In October last year I received £450 from LANTRA's Women and Work grant scheme to do some training to improve my skills in forestry. I did courses in Sustainable Woodland Management, Ride Management, Social Forestry and blacksmithing. Last week Lantra celebrated the achievements of women
working in male dominated industries in
England who had accessed Lantra's Women
and Work funding by holding their 2010/11 Awards.
From the 5000 women who participated in the Women and Work scheme, winners in the field of Horticulture, Trees & Timber, Landscaping, Game & Wildlife Management, Environmental Conservation and Agriculture were: Jasmine Bellinger, Nicki
Jackson, Victoria Forsyth, Lucy Taylor, Hannah Wharton, Elizabeth Cadd,
Annabel Foskett.
Any women interested in applying for a grant to aid their learning in the above industries during 2011 should contact for more info.
Here is the very glamourous Victoria Forsyth - farm labourer and tractor driver, who not only won the Agriculture Women and Work
Learner of the Year Award but was also crowned as Lantra's Outstanding Women
and Work Learner of the Year.